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CSE (Child Sexual Exploitation) Boys Project

Our Positive Futures project supports young males around inner city south Leeds who are at risk of, or have experienced, child sexual exploitation and those who are involved in risk taking behaviours. We support boys to learn protective behaviours and build positive, safe friendships and relationships through a range of peer group-led activities.

Through peer support and group activity boys are able to;

  • Increase their self-esteem
  • Build healthy relationships
  • Manage peer pressure
  • Explore their sexuality
  • Stay safe online
  • Make positive lifestyle choices

Positive Futures

Positive Futures is a dedicated support group for young males aged 13-19 years (up to 25 for young males with learning disabilities) who are at low risk of child sexual exploitation. The project seeks to build confidence and self-esteem, the development of healthy relationships and keeping safe online. Our Positive Futures support group was first established through a successful CSE boys project funded by Children in Need.

For information on CSE and Positive Futures please contact Alison Reynolds on 0113 2762386 or email alison.reynolds@healthforall.org.uk.